
What's this?

Ew, it's a crawfish!!

Butterfly exhibit

I liked it best when one landed on Mommy's head, but Daddy was too slow to get a picture of that.

Museum of Natural History

Mommy tells me that I climb around just like these monkeys do!

I love to eat baby goldfish

...crackers, that is. They're my favorite snack!


Just call me Rachael

Here I am at the Bacardi plant enjoying my complimentary drinks. I know you're jealous, Em! :)


Shopping is fun....

Especially at the biggest mall in the whole Caribbean!!

El Morro

El Morro Fort in Old San Juan, PR.

At the beach

Taking a break from eating sand to pose for a picture. (Alex, of course, not Mommy.)

Back in Brooklyn

Well, we returned home yesterday on an 11am flight out of PR. The flight went fine and Alex did pretty well (considering her lastest cold) and we are now in the process of getting settled back in at home. When we have a few minutes we'll post some more pictures from our trip.


Not missing the snow

In case you're checking in, just wanted to let you know that we're still here in Puerto Rico. Ironically enough, due to the Blizzard of '06, we are 'snowed in' with no available flights until Wednesday at 3am. This will be perfect for Alex since that's when she's usually ready to get up for the day anyway!

Maybe I'll post some pictures later. In the meantime I'm going to go lay out by the pool and try to get some more sun. :)


What a view

We're so sorry we're missing the cold weather and blizzard in New York right now.....

beach baby

Hey, this beach stuff is fun! Don't worry Gram, she was in the shade AND slathered with sunscreen. :)


Vacation update

Hi everybody!

We are in San Juan today, having returned on Tuesday from beautiful Culebra Island. It was absolutely amazing and will be posting some postcard-worthy photos soon. Also, I've updated the blog to allow all of you to post comments, so go right ahead.

Alex really loved the beach. She liked to swim in the waves and eat the sand. We predict she will be a beach bum when she grows up.

Last night we went to the phosphorescent bay for a night kayaking trip. The water there glows when you row or swim so it was a really cool trip. (Alex stayed home for that one.)

Going to try to post some pictures here soon, so keep checking in!


We love Gymboree!

Here's Alex enjoying Gymboree. She loves it so much. She doesn't love to sit in Mommy's lap like all the other babies do, but she would rather crawl around and explore (and climb up the instructor's legs and steal her toys.) Too bad she's not a social kid.

Vacation tomorrow!

So tomorrow we leave for a weeklong vacation to Puerto Rico. We'll be sure to load up Alex with lots and lots of sunscreen. We'll also be sure to post some pictures promptly upon our return to the Big Apple.

feb 3


We've joined the ranks of fellow bloggers. Hope you'll check back in often (but not too often to pester us for updates.)

Ok, so here is a picture of me and Alex on her birthday. She just loved her "First Birthday Princess" tiara. Just kidding, she hated it and ripped it off two seconds after this picture was taken. Anyway, she had a great time eating her cake and wearing it, too....